What’s Your Caregiver Intensity Score? Take a Minute and Check in on Yourself.

Jul 23, 2021

Mow the lawn for a loved one? Manage finances? Help with meds? That’s care, and it can be intense. New CDC data makes it clear being a caregiver is impacting our physical and mental health, and the State of New York is stepping up to help.

Being a caregiver for a loved one is an honor – it can also be really intense. What’s your Caregiver Intensity Score? Take a minute to check in on yourself and find out – you’ll see you’re not alone in this and get connected to things that can help.

Get your Caregiver Intensity Score from @ARCHANGELS.me (https://bit.ly/36xi2m4) – you’ll find out whether you are in the Green, Yellow or Red and if you’d like, get connected to resources and support.

Tioga Opportunities, Inc. can help connect you with caregiver resources and supports that can help you and your loved one.  Call us at 607-687-4120 ext. 331 or click here for more information: https://tiogaopp.org/health-wellness/

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