Tioga Opportunities, Inc., TEAM Tioga, and Tioga County Rural Economic Area Partnership LDC (R.E.A.P.) have joined forces to launch a home-based business initiative in Tioga County, New York. This collaborative effort will provide support for individuals and families interested in starting and building home-based businesses.CARES ACT funding was made available to Community Action Agencies through the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG). The Office of Community Services, a division of the NYS Department of State administers the CSBG funding in NY State. Community Action Agencies were given the mandate to use these dollars to prevent, prepare for, and respond to, the coronavirus. “This initiative perfectly aligns with the mission of Tioga Opportunities, Inc. As a community action agency, our goal is to strengthen our communities while empowering individuals to achieve financial stability. The long-term effects of COVID-19 on business and industry is yet to be determined. This initiative will provide opportunities for individuals impacted by COVID, to establish home-based businesses, allowing for additional income to flow into their household, therefore assisting in re-establishing financial stability for their family,” said Maureen Abbott, Executive Director, Tioga Opportunities, Inc.
As part of this initiative, Tioga Opportunities, Inc., TEAM Tioga, and Tioga County R.E.A.P. have designed a five-minute survey for existing home-based businesses in Tioga County, and those interested in starting home-based businesses. Survey responses will assist these organizations in learning more about what is working well for home-based businesses as well as the challenges being faced in Tioga County, to connect respondents with appropriate resources, to offer assistance securing start-up funding, etc. “Tioga County R.E.A.P. has really focused on putting community feedback into action. We’ve heard that small businesses need support and feel that this project will benefit residents throughout the entire County, particularly when everyone needs it most,” said Abbey Hendrickson, President of Tioga County R.E.A.P.
Brittany Woodburn, Deputy Director of Tioga County Economic Development & Planning added, “TEAM Tioga recognizes how vitally important it is to the economic well-being of our community to continually look for new opportunities to support our small businesses and local entrepreneurs, particularly during this time as, according to the most recent census, nearly 79% of all establishments in Tioga County employ between 1 and 9 people. The information that will be gathered from this survey will allow our collective agencies to identify and provide supportive services and tools to small businesses and entrepreneurs, with the intent of creating an environment that will help sustain and grow home-based businesses in Tioga County.”
Tioga Opportunities, Inc., TEAM Tioga, and Tioga County R.E.A.P. invite existing home-based businesses in Tioga County, and those interested in starting home-based businesses to participate in a brief survey, available at www.surveymonkey.com/r/VD6XQ2T. For more information, please contact Maureen Abbott, Executive Director of Tioga Opportunities, Inc., at (607) 687-4222 or [email protected].