Are you looking for a way to make an positive impact in the community?
Tioga Opportunities Inc. and the Rural Health Network is seeking to fill the role of Tioga Tells Project Coordinator Visita.
The Tioga Tells Project VISTA Member will use information gleaned from Year One and Year Two of the
Tioga Tells Project specific to the identified issue that Tioga County residents do not feel that they have an
active role in the decision-making process in the county and distrust the decision-makers in the county
overall. Working in conjunction with the Department of Planning and Development at Tioga Opportunities, Inc., the VISTA member will research evidence-based options, develop, and implement a “Leadership/Civic
Engagement Curriculum” which will be designed to provide education, training, and “tools” for local
disenfranchised residents who have historically been disconnected from or shut out of civic engagement
opportunities, advocacy efforts, and decision-making roles.
With knowledge comes power. Through education and awareness of skills needed to be effective at
speaking at public meetings, writing a letter to the editor, providing written testimony to proposed changes
in regulations, how to run a meeting and articulate your point of view or opinions, participants will be
equipped to take an active role in their neighborhood, municipality, school district, or other community
efforts. In doing so, participants will bring the voice of the “disenfranchised or marginalized” residents into
the overall decision-making processes.
Potential VISTA candidates should have excellent research and data analysis skills, proven experience in
setting up and working with a data base, experience in making presentation to groups, strong
organizational skills, and the ability to work independently.
Successful applicants (minimum age 18) will demonstrate the following proficiencies and values:
- An interest in, and commitment to, health and/or rural communities and people
- Evidence of current and/or past volunteer service activities
- Communication skills, including writing and verbal communication with clarity and accuracy
- Self direction: Members must be self-directed and show evidence of their ability to work independently and efficiently
- Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents, and they must have their high school diploma or GED
To apply visit: